Elisabeth LaubelHuman Resources Consultant, CCI France Malaysia & All1KL

Elisabeth Laubel has 30 years of experience with 15 years spent working in Malaysia in Human Resources, coaching and training. While working intensively on career transition, recruitment, and talent management in Malaysia, she decided to emphasize on employer branding. Her objective is to assist companies in implementing a strong employer value proposition (EVP) to better attract and retain talents.

She is good at handling modern workplace issues like Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and digital transformation particularly for senior profiles. Elisabeth has worked in many industries, from manufacturing to IT services. Elisabeth also helps Malaysian professionals who studied in French schools or universities find jobs in Malaysian organizations or businesses.

Elisabeth holds an M.B.A. (France/China - 2006) and a Master's in Economics from the University of Paris (1990). Since 2017, she has been on the Industrial Relations Panel at the Malaysian Employer Federation (MEF). For 12 years, she has been acting as HR consultant at the France Malaysia Chamber of  Commerce (MFCCI), focusing on HR training and consulting for its members. In 2011, she was nominated by the Prime Minister and International Trade Minister in France to join the 4000 Conseillers du Commerce Exterieur (International Trade Advisor); a French network which contributes to promote and develop the bilateral relations between France and other countries.

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