His Excellency, Mr Axel CruauAmbassador designate of France to Malaysia

H.E. Axel CRUAU, born on 20th June 1973

B.A History
Master in Political Sciences
Alumnus of the National School of Administration, "Nelson Mandela" class, 2001

Senior Foreign Affairs Advisor


- National School of Administration 1999-2001

- Ministry of Europe and Foreign affairs, Paris, chargé de mission to the director, deputy to the spokesperson (Communication and Information) (2001-2004)

- French Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, First Secretary (2004-2009)

- French Embassy in Beijing, Second counsellor (2009-2010)

- Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Paris, Advisor, United Nations and International Organisations (Minister’s Office) (2010-2012)

- French Consulate in Los Angeles, Consul general (2012-2015)

- French Consulate in Shanghai, Consul general (2015-2019)

- Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Paris, Special Envoy, Head of the Coronavirus Task Force, (2020-2021)

- Director of Cabinet of the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, then (Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships), (2021-2022)

- Ambassador designate of France to Malaysia, (2023 - ...)


Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur


French (mother tongue)
English (fluent)

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