Jean-Marc RodaRegional Director for South East Asian Island Countries at CIRAD

Jean-Marc Roda is the Regional Director for South East Asian Island Countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Timor Leste and Brunei) at Cirad, the French Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development.
He is an economist by training, and obtained his PhD in comparative dynamics of developing societies at Paris-Diderot University, France in 2005. He is also a civil forest officer specialised in forest industry from the French National School of Rural Engineering, Water Resources and Forestry (ENGREF). Jean-Marc also holds a Master Degree in Biology of Organisms and Populations and a Master Degree in Geography.
Dr Roda started his career in 1993, investigating the Indian timber industry for the French Institute of Pondicherry. He then worked in French and European forestry from 1995 to 1999, successively in forest consulting, as coordinator of a Technical and Vocational Education and Training facility for wood and procurement, and as the deputy director of a R&D station, developing biometric and quantitative models for the wood and biomass supply competitiveness of the pulp & paper sector.
Jean-Marc Roda came back to the tropics in 1999, working for Cirad in 25 countries of Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific. He focused his research on the value chains, the industrial organisation, the sustainability and the geopolitics of forests, oil palm, biomass and biorefineries, and other plantation commodities. He spent six years working at the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia on the quantification of formal and informal markets. He then spent nine years at Universiti Putra Malaysia, where he developed a Team of Excellence focused on biomass valorisation, working on haze and peatland issues, bioenergy and bioeconomy, and on the analysis of agribusiness corporations strategies through their ownership structures.
Jean-Marc Roda is based in Jakarta (Indonesia) 2021, and he applies CIRAD strategy and collaborative R&D and training programs with various partners and governments in the region, on agriculture, forestry and husbandry as well as on agroecological transitions, biodiversity, food systems, landscape approaches, and one health.