Through higher education, research, innovation and economic development, IMT Mines Albi intends to drastically expand its international impact.
IMT Mines Albi is developing ambitious training dual programs with various academic partners in Malaysia. It is now facing the new challenge of associating companies to jointly address the forthcoming "Industry 4.0", "digital" and "energy/environment" transitions required by societal demand.
The objective of this webinar is to open discussions and create together win-win partnerships to ease companies, to integrate into their executive and operational staff local talents having a sound experience of the French engineering approach acquired thru apprenticeship, internships and/or industry-oriented team projects.
Date : Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Time : 15h00 – 16h00 GMT +8 (Malaysia Time)
15h00 Opening remarks by Michel Lozach, Managing Director CCI France Malaysia and Sylvain Letailleur, in charge of Academic Cooperation at the Embassy of France in Malaysia
15h10 Presentation by IMT Mines Albi
15h15 Discussion with companies on their recruitment needs
15h45 Q&A session
16h00 The end
[Webinar] Dual Training Programs
Event ended.