The Chamber  •  Publications

Séminaire de Réflexion 2018

CCIFM organised the 20th edition of its annual Séminaire de Réflexion in Penang this year. The event aims to give an economic and political update on Malaysia within the ASEAN context and we also meet the local authorities and French companies in the northern region for an update on the business opportunities in that region.

About 50 over members participated in the seminar, which started with a welcome speech by Gilles Waeldin, the President of CCI France Malaysia, follow-up by H.E Frédéric Laplanche, French Ambassador in Malaysia who gave an update on the bilateral relationships between Malaysia-France.

During these 2 days, we touched several topics such as the prospects and development of the economic relations between Malaysia and the European Union, Malaysian domestic politics and the latest progress on the French-Malaysian research applied to the world of work on "New Advances in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience and Semiotics”.                              

We also had the pleasure to welcome The Honorable Mr. Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang, who gave keynote address on the attractiveness of Penang for foreign investor supported by further presentations from Invest Penang and Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCIA) and the program in placed and incentives given to companies based in Penang and the northern region.

Regional dimension of the seminar was also well illustrated with a presentation by Guillaume Rebiere, executive director of CCI France Myanmar, who updated us on the current economic and political situation of Myanmar.






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