Event report

Business French Trial

CCIFM is excited to announce our collaboration with Alliance Française Kuala Lumpur (AFKL), offering our members the opportunity to enhance their business communication skills through Corporate French courses. This initiative is designed to facilitate communication with French colleagues, improve business trips to France, and provide added value to employees looking to expand their professional language skills.

During the session, participants:

  • Learned the fundamentals of French for business communication
  • Discovered AFKL’s engaging and effective learning methods
  • Were introduced to HRDCorp procedures for claiming course costs

AFKL offers tailored individual and corporate training with flexible scheduling, available in-house or at AFKL, using the Hyflex learning model. This allows participants to access courses online, onsite, or through self-study via the AFKL app. Upon completion, participants receive official diplomas accredited by the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris (CCIP) in French for Business, Hospitality, and Healthcare. AFKL is also an official HRDCorp training provider, offering grants for both in-house and public training.

Keep a look out for more events to experience the benefits of learning French! Please contact Marine Bordes at academiccoordinator(@)afkualalumpur.org to start your French lesson today

Click here to view event photos. (Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/163792624@N06/albums/72177720322115729)

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