Corporate social responsibility

CCI France Myanmar Contribution Appeals for Myanmar's COVID-19 Crisis Care

Myanmar is facing a medical disaster as the Covid-19 delta variant rages through the population. In June 2021, the number of confirmed cases doubled every week, and the number of deaths has quadrupled. This trend has been continuing in July 20211 and is showing no signs of slowing.

As can be seen from media reports, medical staff, volunteers and associations are all working without rest, and with extremely limited resources that are insufficient to respond to the emergency health needs of the population. ICUs and clinics are overwhelmed, and patients are dying at home. Crematoriums are overwhelmed.

The private sector in Myanmar is already contributing to the effort to save lives. This includes international companies, who are keen to support the emergency response. They are well-positioned to respond in kind and cash, particularly by ensuring access to live-saving equipment at reasonable cost through its global sourcing operations. Private sector donations can also kickstart and supplement humanitarian funds from donor governments.

To coordinate and enhance this, foreign Chambers, together with Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business, have joined forces to respond to the needs of Myanmar’ COVID third wave. The goal of this coordinated effort is to mobilise resources from the international private sector as quickly as possible to help the people of Myanmar with the devastating impact of COVID-19, and facilitate information sharing on support activities and needs, due diligence etc.

This joint initiative has been launched by AmCham Myanmar, CCI France Myanmar and MCRB in a first time, but will be open to any other Chamber and organization which would like to join forces to contribute to the project in the future.

This is a not-for-profit project! Donations may cover some costs, but no stakeholder will make a profit. 

Confirmed delivery partners


The following organisations are recommended by several trustworthy organisations and are well-known for the excellent work that they have been doing for years in Myanmar. Their immediate needs have been identified through discussions.

• Medical Action Myanmar (MAM) – MAM (a Dutch registered charity) have been working for 20 years in Myanmar and come highly recommended. They have clinics across the country, especially in peri-urban poor areas. They are currently supporting 3 centres in Yangon, 2 in Kale, and 3 in Kayin (almost operational). In addition, they plan to expand treatment to 3-4 other centers very soon (current plan Myitkyina, Yangon and Mandalay). They have trained medical staff who know how to operate the equipment and treat patients.
Funding need: $50K to purchase 10,000 vials of enoxaparin 40mg (estimated $5/dose) and/or other treatment/equipment2

• Community Partners International (CPI) – CPI is a US-registered charity which has been operating and providing support to local populations in Myanmar for 20 years. They are currently implementing tele-healthcare for remote areas, oxygen concentrator/cylinder loans, the creation of an oxygen plant in Yangon. They plan to set up a mobile medical team and oxygen support centres -
Funding need: $50K to purchase approx. 50 oxygen concentrators (estimated $1,000/piece, including freight) and/or other equipment/treatment

How to contribute


Companies wishing to contribute any amount to Phase 1 needs can make financial donations to CCI France Myanmar’s bank account (in France or in Myanmar). Pro bono support e.g. logistics to speed up the process, reduce the cost, facilitate the distribution is also welcome.

How your contribution will be used


CCI France Myanmar will purchase the equipment and the treatment with these donations by directly contacting trustworthy importers/distributors selected by the Foreign Chambers after proper due diligence. Importers/distributors will directly deliver the equipment to the 2 partners on the ground. We guarantee that your contribution will not cover any HR cost and will be used in a way that maximizes efficiency.

CCI France Myanmar will follow up closely with the 2 partners on the ground, who will have to report on the use made of the equipment and treatment donated to them. CCI France Myanmar will also request its auditors to audit and certify how the moneys received from donors on its bank accounts have been for the project. Finally, CCI France Myanmar will send a financial and activity report of Phase 1 project to all donors and members within 3 months of delivery. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE WITH MORE DETAILS 

To make a donation, to offer pro bono services or for more information, please contact:

Mr. Guillaume REBIERE
Executive Director - CCI France Myanmar
+95 9 789 305 746 / +66 8 86 06 75 07


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