Morning Talk - Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPPA) - What the "biggest trade deal in history" means for Malaysia

Speaker: Philippe Girard-Foley, Girard-Foley & Associate
Thursday, 10th March 2016 | CCIFM Office

Dear members & friends,

The TPPA has been called by the World Bank "the largest, most diverse and potentially most comprehensive regional trade agreement yet" and characterised as a "new generation" trade agreement. Malaysia is one of its 11 members, ranging from the USA and Canada to Japan and Singapore.

The TPPA will change not just the way that Malaysia does business with most of the world but also the way business is done within Malaysia, with an impact on labour and environmental standards, dispute resolution, intellectual property and several other areas. An early knowledge of those impacts is mandatory for CEO's and executives both Malaysian and foreign operating in Malaysia. 

Philippe Girard-Foley, a member of the Paris Bar trained in France, the US and Australia, specialising in the business laws of Asia (ASEAN, China and India), representative in France for legal and tax matters of the Malaysian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Join us today, limited seats are availble, RSVP 8th March 2016
Date     : Thursday, 10th March 2016
Time    : 09h00 -11h00 
Venue  : CCIFM Office, Unit 2A-6-2, 6th floor Plaza Sentral,
              Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, 50470 Kuala Lumpur
Price    :
Patrons & Sponsor         Free of Charge -2 paxs
Members                        Free of Charge - 1 paxs 
Non - member                RM 50 per person ( RM 53.00 with GST)  

09h00   Registration & French Breakfast 
09h30   Talk- Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPPA)
            Question & Answer Session 
11h00    End of Talk 

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